Rental Tribunal
Rental Tribunal Representation
How to get your problems of renting to rental tribunal. Large number of individuals are renting apartments in Ontario and when people are renting houses sometimes there are problems between the landlord and the tenant. The rental tribunal gives you information about how an individual can rent a house and what are the responsibilities of landlord and tenant. The rental tribunal can make decision about the problems or conflict between the tenants or land lord.
If a landlord is having problems with the tenant he or she should talk to the tenant or if the tenant have concerns he or she may talk to the landlord about it. If your problem or concern does not resolve with talking you can always file an application to rental tribunals. Filing application can be sometimes little bit tricky. If you are having problems and cannot talk to each other than talk to ASK Legal. If you have any tenancy problems ASK LEGAL HELP will guide you as per the law and will inform you about your rights and responsibilities. To know about your rights or need guidance in any rental tribunals documentation give ASK Legal a call on 416-201-8882.
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